Wat zijn de Story Cubes?

Negen dobbelstenen met allemaal zes verschillende illustraties. Dat is het basisconcept van de Rory’s Story Cubes. Na het dobbelen kan je aan de slag met de illustraties die aan de bovenzijde belanden. Hoe je daarmee aan de slag gaat, of wat je ermee doet, daar ben je volledig vrij in. De opties zijn legio net zoals de regels.

*illustration from storycubes.com

Hoe gebruik ik de Story Cubes?

Ik dobbel eenmaal en kies dan 3-5 afbeeldingen om een stukje prosa over te schrijven. Je leest telkens welke illustraties bij de prosa horen.

Plane – shooting star – hand

I fell in love with shooting stars
and all my wishes upon them.
Patiently waiting I grab my bags
to board the plane I dreamed of.
I would sit in my seat, destination heaven
the only place where I can finally
hold your hand again.

Calculation frame – dice – airplane

I’ve counted the days on the calendar
untill take-off and destination you.
Rolled my lucky charm dice
just to make sure you were the right call
But all I got was a canceled flight
and you telling me
I am not the one.

Airplane – fountain – lock – text balloon

If I was strong enough
I would took a plane to Rome
and undo all of our shared memories
that exist next to all her fountains
I would demolish that bridge holding the lock
engraved with our initials
But I am not strong enough.
to tell you I did so.

Question mark – flashlight – pyramid

Sometimes I dream about being an explorer
diving into a giant piramid with only my flashlight
to discover all of her mysterious spaces
And when those daydreams come to an end
just remember that
my flashlight is my pen
and the pyramid is you.